Wrath of Almighty God will begin the moment Jesus calls up to heaven his church...You will have wrath of the antichrist killing all the Jews and believer gentiles and wrath of God himself.
Many of my articles can be daunting to read, just take your time because you have a lifetime of experience being written to you as the Lord tells me and shows me what to write. Now we reached a point of no return, now our elite themselves are being shot or being murdered because they are "conservatives"!
Who is safe from the "Wrath" to come? Who can hide from God's presence when his anger begins to kindle but a little, to pour upon planet earth? There are days in our individual lives, that we wonder are we truly saved! Or was it a head/mind consent?
These days happen because we are being "convicted" by the Holy Spirit that you and I are not in complete obedience with the "will" of God! The Bible states empirically that the "Church" will be judged first and foremost while alive on earth! If this be so, where will the ungodly and sinner appear!
We need fathers and mothers if at all possible. The dad is the disciplinarian and the mother is the nurturer. Without a father the Bible cause the children of the earth "Bastards". As we once were before being saved by Jesus Christ. We were a people without a Heavenly Father!
So, the Father as a Father does; disciplines us and sometimes it can really hurt bad but he does it for our own benefit. For whom the Lord loves he chastens! If he didn't chasten you when you went out of his "will" you would all be considered as "Bastards" a fatherless child. A fatherless child seeks guidance and punishment when needed.
But there is no "father" figure an earthly father to do so! So when that child grows up they will not know right from wrong. They will only know how they feel at the moment before doing consequential things in their young adult lives. We have the Holy Spirit who lives in us and points us to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
But He also points us to our Heavenly Father who is all and there is none other like himself! That's my Abba! He can do anything even "catch me up" when Abba or the Father gives the go ahead! Am I or my wife special for this to happen too? Not on our merits and individual lives!
Jesus the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, here him roar as the saints are "Caught Up" into heavens glory before the wrath of God on earth begins.
No matter what we do or say, you are still in "sin" because you live in the body of sin!
We couldn't walk in "righteousness" and chew gum at the same time! We all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! If a man or woman say they do not sin or haven't sin then he or she is a liar for the truth is not in them. So what makes my wife and I so special to be "caught up" by God in the flesh (Jesus Christ)!
Well the fact of the matter is we aren't! In fact, we are still sinners in the flesh and there is nothing you or I can do about it! But there is something that Jesus can do about it and in fact as already accomplished this impossible feat! He died on the Cross of Calvary for both you and me! He shed his cleansing blood and is now considered the "Lamb" of God!
It is by this action alone that allows us to put on Jesus's robe of righteousness and to change our rags we have worn as sinners of the commonwealth to pure white gowns in God's sight. But this all comes by "Faith" in Jesus Christ crucifixion and his resurrection.
Jesus said, if anyone of you come into heaven any other way beside the "door" (through Jesus only) are thieves and robbers! There is only one way to heaven and that's through Jesus Christ.
You will not go to heaven any other way! Here are a few extremes in the life of mankind trying to earn their way into kingdom of the Most High God. First we go to the loving grandmother who all her young life and adult life and now in her sunset years never failed to be the loving parent and grandparent!
She was a "model of goodness"! Now it is time for her to take her last and final breath. When she dies, again opens up her eyes in hell and in torments! She is screaming, what have I done wrong! Why am I here, what did I do to deserves such horrors and punishment.
Jesus who can be everywhere at once (Omnipresent) tells her you never asked me to come into your heart. Iv'e tried your whole life to come to me, in fact, I pleaded with your spirit and you ignored my free gift! For it's written, I am the door and the way to the father, no one without exception goes to the father except through me!
All your "works" as a sinner whether good or bad will not allow you to escape hell that you are predestinated to go to if you are not saved, meaning if you refuse to accept the Son of God Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and also your creator!
Anyone who tries to enter into heaven any other way are nothing but robbers and thieves. In other words, there was nothing this wonderful grandmother could do or say to Jesus that she didn't already know when approached by several christians throughout her life. She shut the very safety valve she needed to keep her out of hell and that was accepting the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ.
You see no matter how good and holy you think you are or have become, no matter if you saved a thousand people from harms way and were honored with the congressional medal of honor and not matter how poor you live and no matter how you blessed the poor this will never be enough for you to enter into the very gates of heaven!
If your pasture or priest tells you otherwise he becomes two fold child of hell himself and leading you all on his path of destruction. Continuing onward, there was a man who read the Bible every single day, gave to the poor, saved people from a burning building, saved a child from dying, he prayed to God how he is not like the rest of the world!
Good works whether they be miracles in the name of Jesus will not allow you into heaven. There will be quite the few who will say to Jesus in that day, have we not cast out demons and done miracles in thy name? Jesus will say depart from me, I never knew you!
He spoke to God of Israel, telling him his accomplishments etc. He helped many hundreds of thousands of people in his congregation. Many were awe struck of the miracles being performed in the name of Jesus Christ. His sunset years arrived way to earlier he died in an accident while driving home.
He opened up his eyes in hell! How can this be he thought to himself! I preached the word, I did many wonderful things in the name of Jesus Christ why was I condemned to the fiery pit? Oh! God! where are you! Jesus appeared suddenly and told this evangelist at first you fell in love with me and then later in life you got caught up in the world and started to use the pulpit to fill your own pockets.
You drew further away from me! But I was never far from you, I pleaded with you to find that first love you had for me! But the worldly things matter more to you then I did. You became calloused at the Holy Spirit's convictions I had sent to you. You kept the preaching of "sin" undercover and preached more on prosperity then about how many in your congregation were still lost in their sins.
A lot of entertainment is brought forth at these comical events! But where are the hell fire preachers of old to warn people that some of them are not truly saved!
Now a days its all about lining ones pockets with the tithes and offerings that go to the Churches to build bigger churches to have more people come in to be entertained! Instead of warning those with itching ears that hell's echo's is calling out to many!
Your pews were maxed out and you had to build a bigger building and instead of trusting in Jesus Christ for your needs of your church you preached your kind of gospel to get people to send in more money! You became full of yourself afterwards and then you sinned! Once their bellies become full then, the people sin!
You never repented and stretched yourself after my truth that you learned when you first fell in love with me. No Backsliders will enter the kingdom of heaven! Unless he repents! But it was far too late for you, you died in your sins never having the time to change your heart.
Could these above scenarios happen? They probably do more often then nought. But only God knows for sure how he will judge you and I when we die. There are not many ways into heaven like some preachers or teachers or prophets tell you. There is one way only into heaven and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ. Once you are saved, then you will be judge by the "bad" and the "good" actions you do in the body until you're taken home by the Lord.