Imagine for a single moment in less than 7 short years our global population will be down to 1/3 left of the approximate 7.3 billion people who are now still alive. Approximately around 2.4 billion will still be alive!
I was reading the Internet papers from different sources all over the world. I noticed the Middle East is beefing up militarily all around Israel. Anti-Semetism is on the rise around the world. A few thousand years ago, Israel was instructed by the Lord to follow his laws and commandments and they would be blessed. But they refuse to listen and started to worship hand made gods and because of this act the Lord pronounced a curse on Israel and part of the curse was I will make you a hissing amongst anyone you meet or any place you go! And that curse is still most active today! But a greater hissing will happen because they rejected Jesus as their one and only Messiah.
After the tribulation, which wipes out 2/3rds of the Jewish population and 2/3 of the world populations, the Lord God promised on some future month and year to make Israel the capital of the Theocratic world and of the universe! It will be central control coming from Jesus from the synagog and mandatory for all representatives from all countries, will have to come to pay homage to the Lord of Host at his temple in Jerusalem once a year. Many will walk by the saved Israelite and bow down to their feet begging them to teach them about Jesus! This is in your bible! I don't put verses down because I wasn't told to re-write the Bible but only to tell you what the Lord wants me to share with all of you! Be a good Berean and locate with browser what scripture covers what I write here.
What happens if some nations refuse or come up with a excuse why didn't show up? The scriptures tell us that he, Jesus, will withhold the rains and this will destroy their agricultural development during the thousand year reign, this is all the Bible declares about this. Jesus will be ruling with a "Rod of Iron". There will be no need for lawyers or prosecutors or doctors or anything that deals with or glorifies the flesh! A man that dies at one hundred years old will be considered cursed! If men and women born during the thousand year reign of Christ, they will live up to 1000 years old but without the old age or taring down of the body like it is now! They will have their Adam and Eve type bodies, when they were first created without sin.
As far as transportation goes, I see no where in scriptures what mankind will be traveling in or with, when they go to Israel's capital once a year and doing other type work. There will be no buses or taxi's or any other kind of automobile. The earth is going to be like the garden of Eden before the fall of Adam. Where cities once stood will now be flowery hillsides and many big beautiful trees and food will be plenteous be sure of that.
You can read in the book of Isaiah the prophet talks about the 1000 year reign of Jesus on earth! Think of the horrors that everyone went through during the seven year tribulation, such as, scorching heat, poisoning of the waters, waters turning to blood, all sea life destroyed, this would certainly become a new and exciting lifestyle. Like I stated as far as travel goes I am not sure what the Lord will allow during the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ and his select bride!
You can read in the book of Isaiah the prophet talks about the 1000 year reign of Jesus on earth! Think of the horrors that everyone went through during the seven year tribulation, such as, scorching heat, poisoning of the waters, waters turning to blood, all sea life destroyed, this would certainly become a new and exciting lifestyle. Like I stated as far as travel goes I am not sure what the Lord will allow during the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ and his select bride!
I am looking forward to the time when satan and his 1/3 of angelic host will be bound in the bottomless pit for one thousand years! No outside temptation! But one flaw still exists and that is why Christ will rule the millennium children with a ROD of IRON!
There will be no more war, while satan and 1/3 of a trillion angels with him will be locked up in the bottomless pit by an angel of God for one thousand years! It will be paradise to be sure! We do have a snag, the little ones born and ten generations after that will not have understood what the first generation who came out of the great tribulation went through! So, they will less likely be respectful toward what their grand families of ages past went through. These children of men is who satan will use when he is released for a short while out of the bottomless pit.
Keep in mind, those who were allowed in the kingdom of Jesus Christ during the one thousand years are still in their "Human Attire", their bodies with their inheritance sins from Adam. They eventually need to except Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior in their hearts to be saved! They should be able to live the life better than us right now, because they will not have the tempter and his trillion angels constantly harassing us day and night!
Keep in mind, those who were allowed in the kingdom of Jesus Christ during the one thousand years are still in their "Human Attire", their bodies with their inheritance sins from Adam. They eventually need to except Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior in their hearts to be saved! They should be able to live the life better than us right now, because they will not have the tempter and his trillion angels constantly harassing us day and night!
So, all those past generations in the end of the one thousand years will have vague memories of the Great Tribulation, they never had to face "temptation" like their great, great, great, great relatives have, like the first generation that went through the Great Tribulation because they weren't saved at the time. During this pristine moment with Jesus as Ruler of all creation, he will use his born again believers who now possess their newly resurrected bodies that will transcend any physical laws on earth!
You will be able in a speed of one thought travel to the ends of a universe or to South America from the North Pole within a millisecond! You will walk through walls, nothing on earth can overcome your new glorified bodies. You will walk on stormy waters and you will glow like the stars of the heavens. All thought with the saints and Jesus Christ will be thousands of degrees above what people call "Telepathy" mind to mind contact!
You will be able in a speed of one thought travel to the ends of a universe or to South America from the North Pole within a millisecond! You will walk through walls, nothing on earth can overcome your new glorified bodies. You will walk on stormy waters and you will glow like the stars of the heavens. All thought with the saints and Jesus Christ will be thousands of degrees above what people call "Telepathy" mind to mind contact!
They (The born again Christians) will all have different intensities of glowing and powers and crowns! These are those who kept patient with the words of God's promises, prior to the Great Tribulation and were raptured and then came back after the seven years of horror was completed. His kings and priests will rule and reign with him for one thousand years and all through eternity.
If this doesn't excite you I don't know what else would! You would be ruling over cities, townships, nations, countries globally. This all depends on what we did for Jesus before each of us were raptured! There will be some Christians who all their earthly works were burned up but they themselves will be saved as so by fire!
If this doesn't excite you I don't know what else would! You would be ruling over cities, townships, nations, countries globally. This all depends on what we did for Jesus before each of us were raptured! There will be some Christians who all their earthly works were burned up but they themselves will be saved as so by fire!
It will be our (Glorified Born Again Believers) job to keep law and order throughout the world and universe, making sure these millennial babies don't step out of line which every so often will because they are still born into sin from the first Adam! Jesus promised Abraham that 1/3 of the Jewish people who were supernaturally protected along with the gentiles who were saved and made it through the entire tribulation, will be repopulating this heavenly paradise! They are still "Sinners"!
But the urge to sin will be less likely because of satan and his demons won't be there to tempt anyone! the Bible doesn't tell us how many people will be born, I would guess around 12-20 billion since there will be no wars and people can live up to one thousand years! There will be no more sickness or wild animal attacks or anything that could hurt the Lord's Zion. Jesus stated, nothing will harm on my Holy Hill of Zion!
But the urge to sin will be less likely because of satan and his demons won't be there to tempt anyone! the Bible doesn't tell us how many people will be born, I would guess around 12-20 billion since there will be no wars and people can live up to one thousand years! There will be no more sickness or wild animal attacks or anything that could hurt the Lord's Zion. Jesus stated, nothing will harm on my Holy Hill of Zion!
The Lord Jesus said, no harm will be on his Holy Zion, the animal kingdom will change miraculously, the earth will shoot forth her great abundance of food of every kind. I imagine you hunters will be on a short list, you won't be able to kill animals anymore!
Little children can lie down next to a Lion and lion will lie near the lamp and Jesus said, "no one will harm on my Holy Hill of Zion! Meaning the entire world! A child can sit on top of a asp or vipers nest and they will not hurt them. The Lion will eat straw for its food and so will all the animals of the earth! One can swim with the crocodile across the waters and will love playing with the children. The snake will eat dust of the earth for its food as promised at the beginning of Genesis when the serpent was cursed by God!
I would also imagine if one got any broken bones from falling etc. we his glorified saints will be there to heal them, there will be no need for physicians. We will be just like Jesus, for we will see him as he is, when he descends from the heavens with a shout and with the Trump of God! He's not coming to put his feet on the Mt. of Olives we will meet him in the air in the clouds to be taken from this planet, which is about to go boom!
I would also imagine if one got any broken bones from falling etc. we his glorified saints will be there to heal them, there will be no need for physicians. We will be just like Jesus, for we will see him as he is, when he descends from the heavens with a shout and with the Trump of God! He's not coming to put his feet on the Mt. of Olives we will meet him in the air in the clouds to be taken from this planet, which is about to go boom!
In the meantime the heavenly Jerusalem will be hovering above the earth for one thousand years and the glorified saints and hopefully it will also be you who reads this, will be able to dematerialize and be in the city of our Great God 24/7! We will never sleep or go to the bathroom or shower or shave beards and women no shaving underarms or legs anymore!
Our glorified bodies will be perfect in every way shape or form as our Great God has seen fit to give to each one of us who comes to his son for forgiveness. In Revelations, the city the Apostle John saw measured with the help of an angel quoted, it was 1500 miles wide on all four sides of the city and it was 1500 miles high! Only those who has their name in the Lambs Book of Life will be able to enter that city.
Our glorified bodies will be perfect in every way shape or form as our Great God has seen fit to give to each one of us who comes to his son for forgiveness. In Revelations, the city the Apostle John saw measured with the help of an angel quoted, it was 1500 miles wide on all four sides of the city and it was 1500 miles high! Only those who has their name in the Lambs Book of Life will be able to enter that city.
The new Jerusalem will be 1500 miles in height and width and length! You can read this in the book of Revelations!
The Millennial children will not be able to go in that city the New Jerusalem which suspended above Israel, until after one thousand years is complete, remember they are still in their sinful bodies inherited from Adam and Eve. I can't imagine myself being fully energized 24/7 and never getting tired and only eat for the pleasure of eating not because we are hungry or thirsty! Jesus when he resurrected himself, he sat down with his disciples and ate fish and honeycomb in his supernatural body!
But according to scriptures if you go before the throne of Almighty God you will have to eat a certain fruit that grows in heaven with other trees that provides leaves for the healing of the nations. This God we serve is about 2500 miles high and seeing it from this perspective we can see how the earth is God's footstool! This is not an idiom or a figure of speech we are talking about here! It is the truth! The "span" of God's eternal hand is the size of the universe! Try taking that in!
But according to scriptures if you go before the throne of Almighty God you will have to eat a certain fruit that grows in heaven with other trees that provides leaves for the healing of the nations. This God we serve is about 2500 miles high and seeing it from this perspective we can see how the earth is God's footstool! This is not an idiom or a figure of speech we are talking about here! It is the truth! The "span" of God's eternal hand is the size of the universe! Try taking that in!
One person who claimed they were taken to heaven, they entered into the worship room and when they were able to look at God and seen his feet, he said, his toe was the size of the state of Tennessee. Deep inside himself, he knew little about the creator but new he was a giant among all creation! His head was in a cloud so far up it was like looking from the base of a mighty mountain to see its snowcap!
That's how small in comparison we are with God Almighty! I really don't know for sure if he is 2500 miles tall but if it says that the heavens are the measure of the span of God's own eternal hand, This should alert us to something! Getting back the fruit, once you eat the fruit it gives you strength to be in God's presence without falling as a dead man!
That's how small in comparison we are with God Almighty! I really don't know for sure if he is 2500 miles tall but if it says that the heavens are the measure of the span of God's own eternal hand, This should alert us to something! Getting back the fruit, once you eat the fruit it gives you strength to be in God's presence without falling as a dead man!
There are certain things the M-Children will not be able to do during the 1000 years of world peace and that is to see the Father in all his glory! It would destroy them in the flesh. The only one they can physically see is Jesus, the Messiah! In other words, the M-Children it would not be possible for them to go to the throne of God himself at this time in the New Jerusalem hovering above the old!
So, the millennials biological people that were left to re-populate the kingdom on earth would never be able to meet God face to face only the glorified saints and angels will behold his glory! Jesus is the image of his father! If you seen Jesus you seen God Almighty. This is not a figure of speech, rest assure about that! Think of Jesus melding within the father and the two become one and the Holy Spirit melds into the father and all three become one person! Granted it's going to take a bit of supernatural understanding when we receive our glorified bodies, what this truly entails!
Take man for example: We too have the nature of God as a tri-part being! If we could separate our souls from our body and separate our spirits as well it would be 3 offices but one person all 3 are still you! Both Body/Soul/Spirit! That was the only way I could even begin explaining the unexplainable, so we are made in the trinity image of Almighty God but on a much lower scale to be sure of.
Scientists can't figure out how we operate with the soul (The real "you") your "spirit" what God calls back to himself when your life cord is severed and lastly your "flesh" the vehicle that houses both soul and spirit working together in unison dies and goes back to dust! This corruptible "flesh" with a shout from the Lord Jesus Christ will transform dead bodies no matter where they are at and how long they have been there and take with him the alive physical bodies and changed them into a new and glorious resurrected bodies just like that of Jesus our Lord! This all happens in a blink of an eye!
We will still be Tri-part beings but this time we will first have a glorified body, no blood whatsoever in our veins, for the glory of God will run through our veins. We will first and foremost will be "incorruptible" not like it is now! Our souls will also be blood wash clean from all "sin"! Unlike now, we will be directly connected to Jesus our Lord instead of just to our own spirit like it stands for now.
Jesus always told the disciples, I and the father are one! We, on that day will say the same things, that I and our father are one! For we will be like him, not as him! There is only one creator and one God Jesus Christ! We will still be the glorious branches to serve the living and true God (The Vine)! Jesus will still be the vine, the source of all life eternal life. Imagine when the millennium age has finally arrive and you were rapture prior to it, you are now down on earth representing Jerusalem as the capital of all the known world and throughout the three heavens that were created.
We as glorified beings will have a massive job to accomplish! We will never get wearied or tired or lonely or hungry or thirsty ever again! We will be learning something new each day about our savior and Messiah! This alone would be worth the trials we face today on planet earth!
Our mansions will not be on earth during this time, it will be upwards in the heavens floating above the earth; for the raptured saints will have access to this great city day and night! But there is no night where God dwells, only for those on earth! One day a coup will come against Jerusalem and all its inhabitants, after one thousand years and GOG and MAGOG fight one last time, it never gets off the ground, fire falls from the heavens and devours them.
Jesus will burn up the first and second heavens and destroy all the earth and re-create new heavens and new earth. The Apostle John said, "Then I seen a new heaven and a new earth and the new city of my God descending down from the heavens as a bride adorned for her husband. And God himself will dwell on this earth and all us who now have glorified bodies will rule and reign with him for all eternity.
All the above seems like ten centuries from now, why would it concern any of us? Because brother and sisters we were the first generation to see Israel resurrect from the nations graveyard in May 1948 into becoming a nation in a single day and born in a single day, as it was prophesied in the Old Testament by Ezekiel. The breath of God enter into the dead corpses in all the nations where then all the Jews were scattered. Ezekiel said, I seen the skeletons grow sinew and muscle and organs and flesh but something was missing!
They did not have the "spirit" of God entering into them. But the prophecy came to pass as it was written. Israel became a nation in 1948 and in 1969 re-capture Jerusalem as their eternal capital as the scriptures prophesied. Jesus said, when you see this sign the budding of the fig tree, look up for heaven draws near! The budding of the Fig Tree are the Jewish remnants from all over the world coming back home to Israel they are the (Leafs) and the (Tree) is the nation of Israel.
The generation that sees this sign Israel becoming a nation with its Jewish capitol, that generation will not die off until the coming of the Son of Man calling up his Church and the Bible predicted prophecies all come to pass. Next, will be the judging of Israel in the Great Tribulation. This is where Israel will have the spirit of Christ breathed into her, this was last thing to happen! Before the one thousand years can take place.
Make no mistake everyone, Islam is infiltrating our churches and liberals/Rep/Dems are helping them right along under the guise of tolerance! The more Islamic people in the US, means a lot of votes for the governmental congress up to the presidency. It's all about "Votes"! Our country has lost its respect for the "rule of law" that God has ordained from the very beginning of time with men.
Eventually satan will tire of Islam once he uses her for his purposes and then Romes Catholic Church will take charge of the one world nations as the world church after the saints vanish; God destroys Islam during the first GOG and MAGOG war against Israel, only the (one world church) on planet earth will be left once the rapture happens! The Pope is seeing to such things as we speak! The Pope declared there are many ways to heaven! This lie is from the pits of hell, because Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the light, no one can go unto the father except through me!
It was Jesus's blood sacrifice that made that door to the fathers throne. Israel is still in denial of the Christian Messiah who died as the lamb of God. They wanted a "King" to relieve them of the Roman Rule in their day! But Jesus told them my kingdom is not of this world and if it were my servants would fight! He also told Peter do you yet not understand if I wanted too I can pray to my father to bring down a legion of angels but if I do how would the scriptures be fulfilled?
Israel is still waiting for their coming Messiah! But the one they are waiting for will be the great deceiver called, the antichrist! Name wise it won't be antichrist, he will be named a personal name like all of us for identity purposes but he will hold honor as the king of the one world government. All this is being setup right now, you read about it both in papers and online.
Globalists are not hiding their intentions, especially getting Trump out of the office of the President of the United States! They want the U.S. to give up its sovereignty to the United Countries of European Union. U.S. can't send no goods or services to Europe unless it abides by EU specifications. Now we are in a tariff war, a war that's been going on for two centuries, the president wants to make it right and have a fair exchange of prices on both sides.
Take man for example: We too have the nature of God as a tri-part being! If we could separate our souls from our body and separate our spirits as well it would be 3 offices but one person all 3 are still you! Both Body/Soul/Spirit! That was the only way I could even begin explaining the unexplainable, so we are made in the trinity image of Almighty God but on a much lower scale to be sure of.
Scientists can't figure out how we operate with the soul (The real "you") your "spirit" what God calls back to himself when your life cord is severed and lastly your "flesh" the vehicle that houses both soul and spirit working together in unison dies and goes back to dust! This corruptible "flesh" with a shout from the Lord Jesus Christ will transform dead bodies no matter where they are at and how long they have been there and take with him the alive physical bodies and changed them into a new and glorious resurrected bodies just like that of Jesus our Lord! This all happens in a blink of an eye!
We will still be Tri-part beings but this time we will first have a glorified body, no blood whatsoever in our veins, for the glory of God will run through our veins. We will first and foremost will be "incorruptible" not like it is now! Our souls will also be blood wash clean from all "sin"! Unlike now, we will be directly connected to Jesus our Lord instead of just to our own spirit like it stands for now.
This is a mystery which might if ever, be learned in our immortal new bodies created by God. We could never understand this in the flesh!
Jesus always told the disciples, I and the father are one! We, on that day will say the same things, that I and our father are one! For we will be like him, not as him! There is only one creator and one God Jesus Christ! We will still be the glorious branches to serve the living and true God (The Vine)! Jesus will still be the vine, the source of all life eternal life. Imagine when the millennium age has finally arrive and you were rapture prior to it, you are now down on earth representing Jerusalem as the capital of all the known world and throughout the three heavens that were created.
We as glorified beings will have a massive job to accomplish! We will never get wearied or tired or lonely or hungry or thirsty ever again! We will be learning something new each day about our savior and Messiah! This alone would be worth the trials we face today on planet earth!
Our mansions will not be on earth during this time, it will be upwards in the heavens floating above the earth; for the raptured saints will have access to this great city day and night! But there is no night where God dwells, only for those on earth! One day a coup will come against Jerusalem and all its inhabitants, after one thousand years and GOG and MAGOG fight one last time, it never gets off the ground, fire falls from the heavens and devours them.
Jesus will burn up the first and second heavens and destroy all the earth and re-create new heavens and new earth. The Apostle John said, "Then I seen a new heaven and a new earth and the new city of my God descending down from the heavens as a bride adorned for her husband. And God himself will dwell on this earth and all us who now have glorified bodies will rule and reign with him for all eternity.
The key to everything happening right now this very moment is because Israel and Jerusalem was taken back by the Jews as their holy land and holy city. Lot's don't agree, but God doesn't care, he promised the land and beyond to be for Abrahams descendants forever!
All the above seems like ten centuries from now, why would it concern any of us? Because brother and sisters we were the first generation to see Israel resurrect from the nations graveyard in May 1948 into becoming a nation in a single day and born in a single day, as it was prophesied in the Old Testament by Ezekiel. The breath of God enter into the dead corpses in all the nations where then all the Jews were scattered. Ezekiel said, I seen the skeletons grow sinew and muscle and organs and flesh but something was missing!
The Generation of people who see the future budding of the fig tree (Israel becoming a nation) this happened in 1948 and Jersulem was capture in 1969 as their capital and was recognized by the world superpower the USA.
They did not have the "spirit" of God entering into them. But the prophecy came to pass as it was written. Israel became a nation in 1948 and in 1969 re-capture Jerusalem as their eternal capital as the scriptures prophesied. Jesus said, when you see this sign the budding of the fig tree, look up for heaven draws near! The budding of the Fig Tree are the Jewish remnants from all over the world coming back home to Israel they are the (Leafs) and the (Tree) is the nation of Israel.
The generation that sees this sign Israel becoming a nation with its Jewish capitol, that generation will not die off until the coming of the Son of Man calling up his Church and the Bible predicted prophecies all come to pass. Next, will be the judging of Israel in the Great Tribulation. This is where Israel will have the spirit of Christ breathed into her, this was last thing to happen! Before the one thousand years can take place.
Make no mistake everyone, Islam is infiltrating our churches and liberals/Rep/Dems are helping them right along under the guise of tolerance! The more Islamic people in the US, means a lot of votes for the governmental congress up to the presidency. It's all about "Votes"! Our country has lost its respect for the "rule of law" that God has ordained from the very beginning of time with men.
Eventually satan will tire of Islam once he uses her for his purposes and then Romes Catholic Church will take charge of the one world nations as the world church after the saints vanish; God destroys Islam during the first GOG and MAGOG war against Israel, only the (one world church) on planet earth will be left once the rapture happens! The Pope is seeing to such things as we speak! The Pope declared there are many ways to heaven! This lie is from the pits of hell, because Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the light, no one can go unto the father except through me!
Jesus was sacrificed between two thieves the one on his right side and the one on his left side. They both cursed at him and asked them to take them down from the cross. But near the end the one thief looked at Jesus and said, Lord please remember me when you enter into your Kingdom and Jesus answered before this sun sets this day you will be with me in paradise.
It was Jesus's blood sacrifice that made that door to the fathers throne. Israel is still in denial of the Christian Messiah who died as the lamb of God. They wanted a "King" to relieve them of the Roman Rule in their day! But Jesus told them my kingdom is not of this world and if it were my servants would fight! He also told Peter do you yet not understand if I wanted too I can pray to my father to bring down a legion of angels but if I do how would the scriptures be fulfilled?
Israel is still waiting for their coming Messiah! But the one they are waiting for will be the great deceiver called, the antichrist! Name wise it won't be antichrist, he will be named a personal name like all of us for identity purposes but he will hold honor as the king of the one world government. All this is being setup right now, you read about it both in papers and online.
Globalists are not hiding their intentions, especially getting Trump out of the office of the President of the United States! They want the U.S. to give up its sovereignty to the United Countries of European Union. U.S. can't send no goods or services to Europe unless it abides by EU specifications. Now we are in a tariff war, a war that's been going on for two centuries, the president wants to make it right and have a fair exchange of prices on both sides.
Behind the scenes the EU is quietly building their superstate from which to propel the anti-christ from its platform! satan is waiting for the great "catching up" when the Lord Jesus Christ thunders his resurrection command for both dead and living saints of God.
Did you wonder why the United Nations is mentioned all the time but you don't hear a peep from the European Union! In a sense the E.U. out ranks the U.N.! The E.U. is going to be the primary player in the end times generation that saw Israel become a nation in a single day in 1948 this EU will be around until the battle of Armangeddon is done. the Bible states that a 10 nation coalition will exist prior to his coming and the antichrist will be ahead of this group of major nations!
It now has ten controlling and voting nations to make European laws! The book of Daniel goes into much detail of the ten nations! At least four major Scripture passages make a contribution to this subject (Dan 2:31-35, 40-45; 7:7-8, 19-24 ; Rev 13:1-2; 17:3, 7, 12-16 ).
It now has ten controlling and voting nations to make European laws! The book of Daniel goes into much detail of the ten nations! At least four major Scripture passages make a contribution to this subject (Dan 2:31-35, 40-45; 7:7-8, 19-24 ; Rev 13:1-2; 17:3, 7, 12-16 ).
I believe that today, before our very eyes, we are witnessing the fulfillment of these ancient prophecies of Daniel. Europe has reunited into a revived Roman Empire that is expanding rapidly in size. As it grows, and as national identities are de-emphasized, it will most likely be divided into ten administrative areas, just as Daniel prophesied (2:42-44 and 7:7 — the ten toes of chapter 2 correspond to the ten horns of chapter 7).
What does all this mean for you and me? If what we are seeing on the European scene just now is indeed what God has prophesied — and I, for one, am without doubt it is so — then we are on the threshold of the Lord’s return. Are you ready for such an event? If not, then do you know what to do? There is only one way to get ready and that is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! If you are saved, then pray for the salvation of your family members and your friends and neighbors. And then witness Jesus to them. Don’t let those you love and care about go to an awful Hell.
The Woman Riding a Beast
According to the Rev. Dr. Ian Paisley, a Northern Ireland Protestant minister and member of the European Parliament, the woman on a beast is now the official picture of the EU. He points out that the multi-million dollar new parliament building in Brussels, Belgium, contains a dome with a colossal painting, three times life size, of a woman riding a beast.
In Strasbourg, France, the rival parliamentary building (the one with the Tower of Babel) features a mural of a naked woman riding a beast. Likewise, the new Brussels headquarters of the Council of Europe contains a bronze statue of a woman riding a beast, and the beast is depicted riding on waves, just as in Revelation 17.
Scripture is being fulfilled before our eyes, for those with eyes to see.
Europe will overcome the United States according to the book of Daniel! They will be the globalist leaders to take charge once the great resurrection happens!
These are some of the highlights that are going on in the E.U. Everything the Bible talks about they commit too! Pure evil on their part! This will be the last kingdom that will try to destroy the return of Jesus Christ from the skyward. The Antichrist will arise from the E.U. you can count on it! The next Feast of Trumpets is on Sept.10-11th I saying that the rapture will happen on these dates? It could! Or it could happen twenty years from now on the "Feast of Trumpets". The point I believe is God had Israel rehearse the return of the King for over six thousand years! If you recall all the "Spring " Feasts of God were all accomplished and fulfilled by Jesus Christ first coming and his death and resurrection. The Spring Feasts foretold of the coming of Christ and his death and resurrection and Pentecost. But there are three more feasts that have to be fulfilled, the feast of Trumpets (Jewish New Year) and the next one the Feast of atonement and lastly the Feast of tabernacles.
The feast of trumpets will be the great resurrection! It can happen any moment.
The feast of trumpets is what a lot of us Christians look forward to every year. Most look to Christmas once a year, but we look for the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ if not tomorrow maybe one the Jewish New Year!
The Jewish holidays are NOT only historic… but prophetic and very definitely point to Israel ’s Messiah. "These are the appointed feasts of the LORD, the holy convocations, which you shall proclaim at the time appointed for them." Leviticus 23:4
What is the "Prophetic" significance of these Feasts...? Jewish people did not seem to realize is that all of the feasts were also symbolic types. In other words, they were "prophetic in nature," each one pointing in a unique way to some aspect of the life and work of the promised Messiah:
1) Passover… pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb whose blood would be shed for our sins. Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified on the day of preparation for the Passover, at the same time that the lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover meal that evening.
2) Unleavened Bread… pointed to the Messiah's sinless life, making Him the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Yeshua’ - Jesus' body was in the grave during the first days of this feast, like a kernel of wheat planted and waiting to burst forth as the bread of life.
3) First Fruits… pointed to the Messiah's resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. Yeshua (Jesus) was resurrected on this very day, which is one of the reasons that Paul refers to him in 1 Corinthians 15:20 as the "first fruits from the dead."
4) Harvest - Shavuot or Pentecost… pointed to the great harvest of souls, both Jew and Gentile that would come into the kingdom of God during the Church Age. The Church was actually established on this day when the Messiah poured out the Holy Spirit and 3,000 souls responded to Peter's first proclamation of the Gospel.
The long interval of three months between Harvest and Trumpets pointed to the current Church Age, a period of time that was kept as a mystery to the Hebrew prophets in Old Testament times.
That leaves us with the last three (fall) Feasts which are yet to be fulfilled in the life and work of the Messiah… Because Yeshua (Jesus) literally fulfilled the first four feasts and did so on the actual feast days, we think it is safe to assume that the last three will also be fulfilled and that their fulfilment will occur on the actual feast days. We cannot be certain how they will be fulfilled, but our guess is that they most likely have the following prophetic implications:
5) Rosh HaShanah / Trumpets — points to the Rapture when the Messiah will appear in the heavens as a Bridegroom coming for His bride, the Church. The Rapture is always associated in Scripture with… the blowing of a loud trumpet! (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:52)
6) Yom Kippur / Atonement… points to the day of the Second Coming of Messiah when He will return to earth. That will be the Day of Atonement for the Jewish remnant when they "look upon Him whom they have pierced," repent of their sins, and receive Him as their Messiah. (Zechariah 12:10; Romans 11:1-6; 25-36)
7) Sukkot / Tabernacles — points to the Lord's promise that He will once again tabernacle with His people when He returns to reign over all the world from Jerusalem . (Micah 4:1-7)
Important to take note that of the Seven Feasts of the Lord - There are THREE MAJOR "HARVEST" FEASTS "where God has promised blessing" and they are:
1. "Passover" or "Feast of Unleavened Bread." (SPRING FEAST)
2. "Shavuot / Feast of Weeks" – which is also called "Pentecost," a Greek translation of the Hebrew words meaning, the "fiftieth day" when the Festival was celebrated. (Leviticus 23:15, 16)
3. "The Feast of Tabernacles." (FALL FEAST)
When the Jews went up to Jerusalem three times a year for the pilgrmage Festivals; Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles - they were commanded to not appear before God empty-handed (Deuteronomy 16:16). Each Feast was one of thanksgiving; for Israel to commemorate God's provision during their history as a nation and in their personal lives by bringing a generous offering to Him. Even the Apostle Paul, who we know was in Jerusalem for these Feasts (Acts 20:16), must have presented the gifts he collected from the churches across Greece and countries in Asia to assist the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. The Feast of Tabernacles is a special time for all believers to come together and be a blessing to the needy in Israel presenting our financial gift to God's land and people ...and God has promised a blessing for doing this!
It's the (3) candlestick to the right that are our current concerns about the Feast of Trumpets. The last 3 events are practiced like the "spring" (4) events BEFORE IT, for thousands of years until they come to pass. We are now in what is called the "Church Age" the center piece of this Menorah (Pentecost) . This was a mystery to the Old Testament Jews and up to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and Jesus spoke to the Apostle Paul telling him the secrets only God knew and one of those secrets was the translation of his sons and daughters during the Feast of Trumpets on some unknown time! The Feast of Trumpets was also called, "No one knows the day or the hour"! Because two witnesses had to wait to see the sliver of the moon to declare this feast of the Lords.
The feasts of the Lord are Yahweh's feast not Israel's or any other nations religion practice. These feasts are actually not eating feasts but actual "Rehearsal"practices. Rehearsing for the "real" event in the future! But only Jesus can fulfill such divine appointments! All the Feasts of the Father is God's divine appointments scheduled once a year. Think of the feasts that are similar to a wedding rehearsal.
The the disciples new of the Lord's Feasts because everyone in Israel was commanded to practice or rehearse for the real event one day in the future! These feasts are not (Food) These feasts are a rehearsal of what is to come in the near future. But they will be fulfilled to the letter by Jesus Christ our Lord as they were during the first four "spring" feast up to his resurrection and Pentecost.
The next divine appointment is the "Feast of Trumpets" the gathering together to him in the air! The Shofar is blown 99 times during this feast in September of every year and then the one hundredth blast a one long blast representing the "Resurrection Blast" for the dead in Christ will rise first!
If the resurrection would happen this year on the "Feast Trumpets" what would be next for the people of the earth? The Lord must fulfill the Feast of Atonement! This will be paid by the bloodshed of both sinner and who becomes saved during the horrendous tribulation period by giving up their lives upon the earth during the 7 year tribulation! Jesus was our "Atonement" on the cross, he spilled his blood and washed away our sins for them who by faith accepted his sacrifice!
But the Jews won't accept such nonsensical Jesus the Lamb of God at least not yet! So Jesus will require "blood" to wash clean his Jewish people and other Gentile believers who are saved during the tribulation period and most will have spilled their blood for it! It's going to be a horrible time. No love, no mercy, no forgiveness, evil will be considered the new "norm" throughout the world!
When the 7 year tribulation comes to a close and the battle of Armageddon is destroyed by the brightness of Jesus Christ's coming and a two edge sword coming from his mouth, the living word of God, both antichrist and false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire forever!
The devil will then be locked up in the abyss along with his 1/3 of trillions of demons for one thousand years! Now Jesus the Son of God will rule and reign on earth this will be the start of the last Feast known as the Feast of Tabernacles!
The born again Christians are not required to have their blood spilled during the Great Tribulation Hour; for Jesus spilled his on the cross for you and I. This makes us his blood bought bondservants!
The blood will put your names in the Lambs book of life! And this sacrifice will allow you for the first time enter the Kingdom of God. It's been around 2500 years since the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Or like I like to call 2.5 God days! If you doubt what I say go to Hosea and read about what he spoken to the Jews about being raised up and living face to face with Jesus their Messiah which hasn't happen yet!
For just the reminder, "In two days he will raise us up and on the third day he will reign in our sights"! What happened in that two days? Israel became a nation for the first time in over two thousand years or two days in 1948! Now what about the third day? This 3rd day Hosea speaks of his on the millennium age, when Jesus will rule and reign for one thousand years in their sights with his full physical visible body!
The next divine appointment is the "Feast of Trumpets" the gathering together to him in the air! The Shofar is blown 99 times during this feast in September of every year and then the one hundredth blast a one long blast representing the "Resurrection Blast" for the dead in Christ will rise first!
If the resurrection would happen this year on the "Feast Trumpets" what would be next for the people of the earth? The Lord must fulfill the Feast of Atonement! This will be paid by the bloodshed of both sinner and who becomes saved during the horrendous tribulation period by giving up their lives upon the earth during the 7 year tribulation! Jesus was our "Atonement" on the cross, he spilled his blood and washed away our sins for them who by faith accepted his sacrifice!
But the Jews won't accept such nonsensical Jesus the Lamb of God at least not yet! So Jesus will require "blood" to wash clean his Jewish people and other Gentile believers who are saved during the tribulation period and most will have spilled their blood for it! It's going to be a horrible time. No love, no mercy, no forgiveness, evil will be considered the new "norm" throughout the world!
When the 7 year tribulation comes to a close and the battle of Armageddon is destroyed by the brightness of Jesus Christ's coming and a two edge sword coming from his mouth, the living word of God, both antichrist and false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire forever!
The devil will then be locked up in the abyss along with his 1/3 of trillions of demons for one thousand years! Now Jesus the Son of God will rule and reign on earth this will be the start of the last Feast known as the Feast of Tabernacles!
The born again Christians are not required to have their blood spilled during the Great Tribulation Hour; for Jesus spilled his on the cross for you and I. This makes us his blood bought bondservants!
The blood will put your names in the Lambs book of life! And this sacrifice will allow you for the first time enter the Kingdom of God. It's been around 2500 years since the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Or like I like to call 2.5 God days! If you doubt what I say go to Hosea and read about what he spoken to the Jews about being raised up and living face to face with Jesus their Messiah which hasn't happen yet!
Read the above carefully, it is based on one day to God is equal to one thousand years and a thousand years as one day!
For just the reminder, "In two days he will raise us up and on the third day he will reign in our sights"! What happened in that two days? Israel became a nation for the first time in over two thousand years or two days in 1948! Now what about the third day? This 3rd day Hosea speaks of his on the millennium age, when Jesus will rule and reign for one thousand years in their sights with his full physical visible body!
The Jewish Sages of old believed that the six day creation were prophetic increments of one thousand year days! Man was given 6000 years to rule the earth and failed miserably but on the 7000th year our Lord Jesus will be ruling for all eternity on planet earth. A day is a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years are a day! II Peter!
We are so close to the third day! Why? Because the second day of Hosea prophecy came to pass (In two days or 2000 years he will raise us up, raise who up)? Israel as a nation, this happened in 1948 and in 1969 they recaptured Jerusalem! But before the third day happens, the seven year tribulation and the identity of the antichrist will be known and this can't occur as long as the saints of God on still on planet earth.
When the rapture comes and my guess will be on some future Feast of Trumpet Celebration in some future September month, then comes the 7 year wrath of God and Antichrist on the people. When Jesus finally returns with his saints after those 7 years of tribulation, then Hosea's prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter because he Jesus is now reigning in our sights forever! In 2nd Peter: A day is a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is of a day!! God created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested! In other words, God created the earth in 6000 years or (6-God Days) and on the millennial (7th God day) He rested for one thousand years. Six days have been completed! We are heading into the 3rd day, the one thousand year rest from all God's work.
When the rapture comes and my guess will be on some future Feast of Trumpet Celebration in some future September month, then comes the 7 year wrath of God and Antichrist on the people. When Jesus finally returns with his saints after those 7 years of tribulation, then Hosea's prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter because he Jesus is now reigning in our sights forever! In 2nd Peter: A day is a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is of a day!! God created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested! In other words, God created the earth in 6000 years or (6-God Days) and on the millennial (7th God day) He rested for one thousand years. Six days have been completed! We are heading into the 3rd day, the one thousand year rest from all God's work.
The thought that should be on all our minds is are we ready to meet Jesus when he calls us home! What works did you do for him while you were claiming to be saints of God on earth? The BEAMA SEAT of Christ will declare your works you did since you were born again and some will have no rewards and others will have lot's of rewards those who have no rewards will suffer as though by fire but they themselves shall be saved as though by fire or the skin of their teeth!
It's very difficult for me doing this blog because of my PTSD that happened to me almost 7 years ago! The Lord was calling back then to do articles he wanted people to know but I didn't listen! I had other interests but God's will trumps my interests! Everything you ever read on this blog comes from my heart, unless I tell you I copied something that I feel you should read and hold on too. Very seldom I take that particular route.
I am listening now! I was a fraction of a percent of losing my life that one night nearly being beaten to death! I suffer from many things that night brought forth in my life! But I was disobeying God by refusing to do what he wanted me to do and it seems on the surface that the Lord had enough and used his divine rod and took me at the woodshed to give me a good whooping! It worked!
I woke up out of my slumber but like I said, it wasn't easy to do but at least I am now obeying Jesus, which I should have done in the first place. What I write here comes from what I learned in my life and what the Holy Spirit wants me to share about wt hat I learned from his living word. Study and show thyself approved unto God that a workman need not to be ashamed but can rightly divide the word of truth and answer every persons questions if possible.
I am no ordain minister or self ordain, nor am I labeled catholic or any other name in the alphabet that relates on what I believe in. I will not affiliate with no denominations because we are all brothers and sisters under the same God and his Son Jesus Christ! We are all under the same anointing, we were sealed until the day of redemption! Over the years the churches I attended became worse and waxed worse, now most who claim they teach the word of God hate his Jewish people! What up!
Until Jesus descends from the heavens with a shout and a voice of an archangel and the trump of God; we will remain sealed by the Holy Spirit while in these flesh bodies! We are sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption by Jesus Christ himself. (Resurrection). We are sealed until the great resurrection! The resurrection could happen after you read this or on the "Feast of Trumpets" Israel's new year! No man knows the day or hour not even the Son of Man nor his angels except God himself.
Jesus Christ bought us with the price of his blood and we are now his property by sealing us in our spirits with His "Holy Spirit" whom helps us walk in righteousness and helps us pray when we just can't come up with the words! But the Lord doesn't force his "Seal" on anyone, they must come willingly in faith believing! satan and his ilks know who are sealed with the Holy Spirit and who are not! Masters used seals thousands of years ago to prove the slave was their property. We are bondservants of Jesus Christ! Showing satan hands off God Almighty's property!
It's very difficult for me doing this blog because of my PTSD that happened to me almost 7 years ago! The Lord was calling back then to do articles he wanted people to know but I didn't listen! I had other interests but God's will trumps my interests! Everything you ever read on this blog comes from my heart, unless I tell you I copied something that I feel you should read and hold on too. Very seldom I take that particular route.
I am listening now! I was a fraction of a percent of losing my life that one night nearly being beaten to death! I suffer from many things that night brought forth in my life! But I was disobeying God by refusing to do what he wanted me to do and it seems on the surface that the Lord had enough and used his divine rod and took me at the woodshed to give me a good whooping! It worked!
I woke up out of my slumber but like I said, it wasn't easy to do but at least I am now obeying Jesus, which I should have done in the first place. What I write here comes from what I learned in my life and what the Holy Spirit wants me to share about wt hat I learned from his living word. Study and show thyself approved unto God that a workman need not to be ashamed but can rightly divide the word of truth and answer every persons questions if possible.
I am no ordain minister or self ordain, nor am I labeled catholic or any other name in the alphabet that relates on what I believe in. I will not affiliate with no denominations because we are all brothers and sisters under the same God and his Son Jesus Christ! We are all under the same anointing, we were sealed until the day of redemption! Over the years the churches I attended became worse and waxed worse, now most who claim they teach the word of God hate his Jewish people! What up!
Until Jesus descends from the heavens with a shout and a voice of an archangel and the trump of God; we will remain sealed by the Holy Spirit while in these flesh bodies! We are sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption by Jesus Christ himself. (Resurrection). We are sealed until the great resurrection! The resurrection could happen after you read this or on the "Feast of Trumpets" Israel's new year! No man knows the day or hour not even the Son of Man nor his angels except God himself.
Those who ask Jesus to save them by faith not by any works of man, God the Father seals us by faith his Holy Spirit for the day of our redemption (Resurrection)! Jesus said, "I am the resurrection! This "seal" shows satan and his dark armies they can't touch us, we are God's property!
Jesus Christ bought us with the price of his blood and we are now his property by sealing us in our spirits with His "Holy Spirit" whom helps us walk in righteousness and helps us pray when we just can't come up with the words! But the Lord doesn't force his "Seal" on anyone, they must come willingly in faith believing! satan and his ilks know who are sealed with the Holy Spirit and who are not! Masters used seals thousands of years ago to prove the slave was their property. We are bondservants of Jesus Christ! Showing satan hands off God Almighty's property!
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